
¿Quién es Ángela Hernández Núñez?

Premio Nacional de Literatura 2016. Nació en Buena Vista Jarabacoa, República Dominicana, 6 de mayo de 1954. Graduada con honores de Ingeniería Química. Narradora y poeta. Apasionada del cine y la fotografía. Textos de su autoría se han traducido al inglés, francés, italiano, islandés, bengalí y noruego. Se incluyen en importantes antologías. Es Premio Cole de novela corta, a la novela Mudanza de los Sentidos, 2001; dos veces premio nacional de cuento. Su libro Alicornio mereció el premio nacional de poesía.

Flowers of You

Surprise me, oh, my lover,

With flowers of air
With flowers magnetic
With flowers Antarctic
With flowers capable of flight
With flowers incandescent
With flowers from The Arabian Nights
With flowers that leap from the tip of your tongue

With flowers for the palate
With flowers meant to provoke
With flowers replenished by the memory
With flowers from the drawings of a refugee girl
With flowers that mimic the song of the nightingale
With flowers of the kind meant to nourish the future
With flowers that escaped from the lawless garden
With flowers blooming in the mouths of weapons

With flowers that are a spring of glow-worms
With flowers that weep from the iron that bewitches the cows
With flowers that cover the tracks of wild horses
With flowers whose fragrance paralyzes the assassins of the earth
With flowers from the misty shelter where your sex dozes
With flowers shaped by the nerve endings
With flowers that endure in the molten glacier
With flowers of salt in your groin and armpits
With flowers that enjoy the trust of worker bees
With flowers that are entranced butterflies
With flowers trembling with desire
With flowers dilated in the eye
With flowers grown on canvas
With flowers that turn tricks
With flowers Caribbean
With flowers of you

Flores de tí, Angela Hernández Nuñez (del libro Acústica del límite).
(Traducción: Rhina P. Espaillat)

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La cualidad de la nostalgia

Cuento de Ángela Hernández Núñez

Contacto, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana