
¿Quién es Ángela Hernández Núñez?

Premio Nacional de Literatura 2016. Nació en Buena Vista Jarabacoa, República Dominicana, 6 de mayo de 1954. Graduada con honores de Ingeniería Química. Narradora y poeta. Apasionada del cine y la fotografía. Textos de su autoría se han traducido al inglés, francés, italiano, islandés, bengalí y noruego. Se incluyen en importantes antologías. Es Premio Cole de novela corta, a la novela Mudanza de los Sentidos, 2001; dos veces premio nacional de cuento. Su libro Alicornio mereció el premio nacional de poesía.

Station 2020: Now


Now is the time to look truth in the eye
while negotiating angry currents

The time
to acknowledge that we breathe the same air
to be warned of wrongdoing at the borders

The time to rid ourselves of the useless:
sumptuous jewels, safes
an excess of frozen meat

The time
for the military to cultivate the deserts
for religions to unite us
for the academies to teach empathy
and power render its motives transparent

The time to create a many-tongued dictionary of dreams
to avoid the lavishly decorated trap
and moderate ambition

The time to embrace the eucalyptus and the pine
while listening to the heartbeat of the earth

The time for distances to draw us together
time to be reborn


The home of the ants has been demolished
by the rake
A parasite is destroying beehives in rocks and trees
lions and gazelles have been deprived of water

The pandemic has consumed what it took a century to build
War dissolves faith
Greed exalts the cruel

Now is the time to pierce old secrets
rife with migrations
over burning seas and bridges of ice
For language to be sifted in pigments

For fables to be scattered in the flesh of the brain
Instead of today’s rivers
Render the valleys other futures

Now is the time
to offer our finest diamond to the caretakers
to enrich the bread with gratitude
to gather from the sludge the makings of the new

The time for the step forward
for sanity
for imagination
The time for community
for self-interest shared with all

2020 Estación: Este es el momento, Angela Hernández
Núñez, 18 de abril 2020 (traducción al inglés de RPE;
English translation by RPE.)

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La cualidad de la nostalgia

Cuento de Ángela Hernández Núñez

Contacto, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana